What we offer

We provide Business Transformation leaders who can shape and define target operating models, plot an efficient and clear path for transition and lead culture change.

We believe that true business transformation starts with the customer in mind, building sustainable and efficient processes, systems and capabilities that improve customer engagement and servicing whilst enhancing the bottom-line.

Our Business Transformation leaders provide the clarity, focus and drive to help achieve your goals.

Why it’s needed

Put simply, Business Transformation is required for an organisation to stay relevant and competitive – today and in the future.

It should not be a one-off initiative, but rather an evolving and continuous practice embedded within the organisation.

In the past, Financial Services organisations have typically been product led (silos) and are now seeing a shift to focus on the customer to fend off competition, meet regulatory demands and reduce their cost-to-income ratio – through process, technology, and operational efficiencies.

A constant drive to achieve a more customer-centric business model, by removing inefficiencies and duplication will make an organisation both relevant and competitive for the future. The challenge is how to create a Business Transformation agenda that is both effective and sustainable.

What are the key benefits

  • Expertise in modelling future-state design, defining, mapping and establishing capabilities – including outsourcing and co-sourced operations.
  • Transformation leadership and transition management, including setting effective stage-gating and acceptance criteria.
  • Real world experience of managing business change, creating model-offices and undertaking live-proving scenarios to avoid disaster and properly prepare the business.
  • Enhanced capability for existing Business functions, through on-the-job knowledge sharing, mentoring and up-skilling, as well as support and advice on people development.


We have done it many times before and have the insights and experience to guide you. Our business consultants and transformation specialists have extensive experience of delivering a wide range of complex transformation programmes within UK Financial Services, as well as other sectors.

We possess a deep understanding of many core business functions and the underlying technologies and systems which support them. As such, we know how to effect Business Transformation with IT and vice versa – using proven methods and industry best practice.