What we offer

We understand the challenges faced by many clients to successfully engage and contract, this is true for clients bidding for public and private sector business.

Whether you are considering expanding your client list or have previously bid and lost out, our team of professionals provide a tailored service to evaluate your bidding readiness.

BGS will expertly guide you through opportunity identification to policy development as part of your pre-bid preparation, enabling your business to respond effectively and efficiently, reducing sales cycle and increasing revenue potential.

Too often tender errors and omissions prevent bidders from getting through the initial due diligence reviews. BGS provide a pre-tender submission review from our skilled and experienced team in both supplier bid development and buyer evaluations, significantly increasing your chances of a successful outcome.

Why it’s needed

Bidding is a costly, resource hungry process. Procurement processes are structured, formal engagements with more consideration based on desired outcomes and business alignment.

Policies including Social Value and Carbon Net Zero are a corner stone of the tendering process. Your bid may only get one opportunity to make the right impression and hit the mark, so don’t leave it to chance.

What are the key benefits

  • Successful bids
  • Increased revenue
  • Reduced time, cost and resources
  • Repeatable model


We have extensive experience of the tendering process both from the sales team and the buyers. We understand procurement language and what is being sought by the buyer. We can help prepare your teams and be ready to respond to tenders and help guide you through the process.